Thursday, September 23, 2004




If you force something towards an end, you produce the contrary. I have been using this principle in my forays into setting up a new institution at Mumbai. There are already people there who are running an institution. In their premises is going to come up a new one. The people working there must have a connection with the new. It has to be different from what they have been doing. Yet, they must connect with it in some way. This means it must connect with their aspirations. They desire something from the future. They have some dissatisfaction with the way things are. They also have ideas to address the issues that give rise to the dissatisfaction. It is my effort to kindle this interest in them to act on their discontent.

Of course, things cannot go at the same pace. The pace must quicken, but it must sit well with them. I have to show them this can happen. I have my own ideas. I have to put them across without forcing them down their throat. I have to also become a part of that set-up. I cannot stand outside and give them marching orders. I have to march with them. My pace of doing things is different from theirs. I have to express this clearly to them.

It should be interesting to see how this happens.
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